Fast forward a couple of months later and I received a phone call to say that I had won said competition. Catch? Well, no catch, I had won a free large print and free sitting fee. Sweet! I made my appointment, dressed Boy-child in smart jeans and a vintage knit cardigan (mine, to be precise, from when I was that age), threw on some nice clothes myself, in case I was to be in these, and went to Ye Olde Pixie Foto studio.
The shoot was fun and the boy was very cooperative, smiling all the way. When I viewed the results I nearly fell off the provided stool. Wha? Pixie Foto is supposed to be naff, kitch, glary and everything I despise in photography! These were tasteful, minimalist and taken from various angles. Not only that, I got to choose a tone so that they weren't all colour. I managed to score a timeless session's worth of photos that mark the boy in his second year of life.
Yeah, I also didn't limit myself to the free print...this session turned into a bit of a Christmas present shopping trip and a few were selected and purchased! Well, he's so cute, why wouldn't I?