Cloudbusting moments

When I started this blog I was thinking of my life in the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges, Victoria, Australia. I have since come to realise that life is a series of hills of varying topographical detail; some a barely bumps, others are the hill climb of the Tour de France that the faint-heartened never approximate. I have also come to appreciate the distinct advantage of setting hills in my sights with the aim of seeing life from the other side with a raised heart-rate. My 'comfort-zone' exists to be busted, and I intend to continue venturing far away and beyond my comfort-zones for as long as I have a reason to live. From the foothills of the Dandenongs to the foothills of the Strzelecki Ranges, and still cloudbusting, I hope. It's what I want my kids to do, so I'd better show them a bit about how it's done, and how to push up and over the hills they'd otherwise avoid...

Friday, 26 October 2007

Oscar at 15 months

Whilst in Kmart in Boronia, one day, I was approached by the dreaded Pixie Foto Lady. She asked if I'd like to enter the competition and she wasn't asking for bookings. Mmmm, ok, then.
Fast forward a couple of months later and I received a phone call to say that I had won said competition. Catch? Well, no catch, I had won a free large print and free sitting fee. Sweet! I made my appointment, dressed Boy-child in smart jeans and a vintage knit cardigan (mine, to be precise, from when I was that age), threw on some nice clothes myself, in case I was to be in these, and went to Ye Olde Pixie Foto studio.
The shoot was fun and the boy was very cooperative, smiling all the way. When I viewed the results I nearly fell off the provided stool. Wha? Pixie Foto is supposed to be naff, kitch, glary and everything I despise in photography! These were tasteful, minimalist and taken from various angles. Not only that, I got to choose a tone so that they weren't all colour. I managed to score a timeless session's worth of photos that mark the boy in his second year of life.
Yeah, I also didn't limit myself to the free print...this session turned into a bit of a Christmas present shopping trip and a few were selected and purchased! Well, he's so cute, why wouldn't I?